Singing Guide: The Fray

Singing Guide: The Fray

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

The Fray's unique style of singing has won many admirers. They are known for their emotive music, including songs such as "How to Save a Life" and "You Found Me." If you are looking to learn singing like The Fray, there are many things you can do:

  1. Study the Famous - The first step in learning to sing like The Fray is to study their music. Listen to their songs and try to sing along. Pay attention to the nuances in their singing, the way they use dynamics to convey emotion, and their unique phrasing. Take note of the range of their voice, and practice matching it.
  2. Breath Control - Breath control is a critical component of singing. Improper breathing results in a flat, dull sound. Follow Singing Carot's article on breathing basics to improve your breathing technique, and browse through the related videos.
  3. Blending Register Breaks - The Fray's vocalist, Isaac Slade, excels at blending his register breaks, which adds a unique layer to his music. Voiceregisster technique requires an in depth understanding to perfect. So, go through Singing Carrots' article Voice registers & vocal break to get a deeper insight, and practice voice register techniques showcased on Singing Carrots' video lessons.
  4. Phrasing - The Fray's unique use of phrasing is one of the hallmarks of their music. To learn this technique, try to sing along with their music and get a feel for where they are placing their emphasis. For improving the emphasis-style of singing, explore the Singing Carrots' article on Articulation.
  5. Warm-up and Practice - Consistency is key to achieving any type of success. To develop your singing skills, warm-up with Singing Carrots' Pitch Training and their 21 lesson program, which provides you with all the resources you need to improve your voice and reach your full potential.

Singing like The Fray requires time, effort, and patience. Use all the helpful resources provided by Singing Carrots to unlock your full vocal potential and take your singing to the next level.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.